Riverbank Acoustical Labs Education Series

Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories is recognized worldwide as a source of valid acoustical data in numerous commercial, civilian, and military specifications.  As a leader in these areas, we offer multiple ways for architects, consultants and engineers to learn about acoustical data and testing from our team of experts. One way we try to accomplish this is by offering periodical product & application focused webinars.

New Session Information Coming Soon

Please view our previously recorded webinars below and check back soon for new session information.

Previously Recorded Webinars

Introducing the New Array-NRC Sound Absorption Classification

In May of this year, ASTM released a new version of ASTM C423 (NRC) which includes a new rating for spaced object arrays. The Array-NRC classification will now be available for most configurations of suspended baffles and clouds. Eric Wolfram, Riverbank's Lab Manager, led the development of this revision with the ASTM E33 committee.

In this webinar recording, Eric Wolfram explains how the new results are calculated and how Array-NRC can be used to compare products, as well as how many previous test reports may be adapted to the new classification.

Acoustical Product Performance Testing: Laboratory vs. Field Test Methods

Eric Wolfram, Riverbank's Laboratory Manager, presents an overview of the current ASTM standards for lab and field sound transmission testing and Riverbank's perspective on where each is appropriate.

Understanding Sound Absorption Test Results

Join Eric Wolfram, Laboratory Manager of Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories, as he discusses the current acoustical testing methodologies for suspended objects such as baffles, acoustic light fixtures, felt object arrays, and more.

The architectural interior design industry has relied on the NRC rating for many decades, but creative product developers are stretching their designs beyond where this rating can be applied. Learn what the terms NRC, Sabins, m2 absorption area, and sound absorption coefficients really mean and how to use them effectively. Eric will also discuss potential future revisions to the ASTM C423 test standard that will help provide a fair comparison among these products.

History of Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories

From codebreaking in the 1910's to acoustical performance testing in the 2020's, join Eric Wolfram, RAL's Laboratory Manager, as he gives an overview of the 100+ year history of Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories. Watch this recording to see many high resolution photos dating all the way back to 1918 and learn about the progress of the RAL business through to the present day.

Understanding Sound Transmission Class (STC) Ratings and Testing: What Is It and What Do The Results Mean?

Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single number that describes the ability of a building material or partition to block airborne sound. STC is a laboratory test result defined by ASTM E413 for sound transmission loss testing performed according to ASTM E90.